Hospital Management System APP - Page 2 of 24 - Webkovan

Hospital Management System APP


  • Rapid Registration to speed up the registration process.
  • Appointment Scheduling.
  • Demographic details , Patient photograph, Health Record Scan.
  • Patient ID Card (Smart card ).
  • Patient Search Option with Barcode Scanner.
  • List of Pending / Visited Patients Lists Display On Screen.
  • Patient photograph incorporation
  • Patient List Scroll on a LCD Screen in Patient Waiting Area


  • Corporate Rate List (different for different services.
  • Corporate packages.
  • Master Health Checkup Packages.
  • Receipt Generation with Payment Detail
  • Credit card payment facility.
  • Patient Enquiry Chart.
  • Doctor & Department Service Fee Calculation.
  • Schedule doctor timings on visit, duration, days.
  • SMS enabled patient booking system with alerts.


  • Corporate Rate List (different for different services
  • Insurance Company Incorporation
  • File Scanning system
  • Alerts on Non Scanning IPD Files
  • SMS Alerts system for Billing
  • Easy Billing Process in Just 2 Minutes for the entire Process.
  • Discounts, Refunds, Cancellations, Write-offs, Dues.
  • Service Charges
  • Cash Expense Management.


  • Doctor’s Profile Management
  • Track Patients History and Previous visits
  • Patient old Record Access
  • Certificate issue and records
  • Patients Reports, X-Rays & Documents
  • Prescription Management and integration with PACS.
  • Prescription Language Support
  • Outside Reports scanning options available
  • Images uploading available (XRAY / CT-SCAN / PATIENT PHOTO)
  • S.M.S Facility available for Next Appt., Camp,Wishes,Reminders etc..
  • Drug / Composition wise Group.
  • Certificates and Letters- Medical /Fitness/ Thanking Letters / Referring Letters and etc.


  • NABH/JCI standards in registration process
  • IPD Admission and Care of Patients.
  • Room / Ward – Management.
  • Initial Assessment – For Doctors.
  • Daily Doctor Notes.
  • Initial Care Plan and Initial Nursing Assessment -For Nursing.
  • Daily Nursing Notes.
  • Monitoring Record values – Vitals.
  • Management of Medicines – Doctor ordered & follow up Nursing .
  • Discharge summary Management.
  • BP and Pulse chart.
  • Urine I/O Charts.
  • Uploading documents of Previous Hospitalisations, Lab investigations etc.
  • IP-EMR (Print patient’s entire file in single Click.


  • Classification of Diseases based on International Standards.
  • Patient File Tracking to locate the file across the hospital.
  • Track Birth & Death Statistics.
  • Assignment of detailed diagnosis and procedure codes.
  • Generates Reports of outpatients & inpatients, Length of Stay, Surgeries etc.,
  • Generates Reports to analyse the disease classification in the hospital.
  • Medical data of the patient,Patient’s intake, outtake, Medication, reading, etc.
  • Identify patients and maintain electronic patient records.
  • File patient demographics.
  • Record external clinical documents


  • Master Module.
  • Admin Module.
  • User Management Module.
  • Registration / Reception module.
  • Download Reports.
  • Collection Centre Module.
  • Referring Doctor Module.
  • Lab Technician Module.
  • Search Panel.
  • Patient Module .
  • Billing & accounting Module
  • Lab Results from any where on a HMIS network.
  • Email & SMS Module


  • Supports Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS).
  • Patient X-ray images tracking .
  • Option to store unlimited X-Ray images of the Patients.
  • Integration between HIMS and PACS.
  • Linked with OPD Billing and Nursing Care Management.
  • Radiology Orders Processing Worksheet for Out Patients and In Patients.
  • Reports are available from anywhere on a HMIS network.


  • Provision to record the TPA and insurance details of a Patient. Instant Verfication of eligibility of the Patient.
  • Online Submission of Claims Forms for most insurance companies.
  • Provision for follow up with the TPA’s and insurance companies.
  • Status enguiry of the submitted claims.
  • Provision for cashless hospitaliztaions.
  • Provision to bill the patient separateky for the services by the hospital that are not covered by the TPA and insurance companies.


  • Based on ICD10 coding, provide procedure guidelines for various conditions.
  • Care plans reflecting the age of the patient.
  • Dietary restrictions.
  • Bed Transfer /Bed Release.
  • Bed transfers/ release information.
  • Access to Medical Record : patient history, medication, allergies, prescriptions and current hospital doctor.
  • Examination by the Doctor. and record Prescription by doctor.
  • Order Lab investigation and Access Lab results.
  • Record diagnosis, ICD code.
  • Nurse can record medication, IV Fluids, injections administered.
  • Daily and Monthly Census.


  • Accurate scheduling of the operations with flexibility in managing bookings.
  • Comprehensive checklists for monitoring the patients.
  • Detailed Pre and post operative assessment.
  • Multilingual Consents forms.
  • Store and record consents forms in digital format.
  • Inventory and stock management of the OT.
  • Sterilisation schedules ,check lists and Audits.
  • Anaesthesia details monitoring and recording.
  • Operation records.
  • Follow up of Pre / Post operative assessment by the Nursing Staffs.
  • Surgeons Notes in free text format.
  • OT Consumables posting


  • User definable codes for blood group, geno types, antibodies, anticoagulants, additives, blood products, fat codes.
  • Registration of donors.
  • Blood stock operations.
  • Monitoring of expiry date.
  • Requisition for blood.
  • Recording transfusion.
  • Returns.
  • Component split.
  • Patient blood grouping.
  • Maintain records of the Blood Donar.
  • Organising Blood Donations Camp.
  • Blood bank list access to check availability for matching blood group.
  • Cross Blood Matching and result storage facilities.
  • Excellent searching facility for expired and destroyed blood.


  • Access to patient administration system
  • Ability to link in with the order communications.
  • Notification of patient’s pending arrival, current status, etc.
  • Comprehensive charts to monitor the patient’s condition.
  • For surgery, the theatre schedule is notified, together with any preparation required.
  • Ability to record admissions, discharge and transfers at the wards to update the bed census.
  • Confirm location of the patient and to notify ancillary departments such as dietary.
  • Communicating with departments such as housekeeping, maintenance, security, etc.
  • Nursing Kardex in PICU and NICU Procedure notes


  • Current bed allocation and bed status overview.
  • Monitoring and reducing the bed turnover time.
  • Scheduling the housekeeping and maintenance activities.
  • Calculation of revenue generated from each type of bed.
  • Improve key performance factors that affect patient and staff satisfaction.
  • Eliminate phone calls to determine patient status and bed availability.
  • Improve Revenue by maximizing throughput and bed utilization.
  • Automatically updates the availability of Patient Beds and Extra Beds.
  • Creates a Dashboard on Hospital Bed Allocation & Bed Status.
  • Tasks of bed usage in Admissions, Discharges, Bed Cleaning, Room Decontamination, Room Repair, & Creation/Utilization of Emergency Beds


  • Allows the user to create the food items groups and food items available in the hospital kitchen.
  • Captures the calorie count as well as the nutritional information of all food items.
  • Facilitates capturing of recipes that are made up of food items or other recipes and their proportionate quantities. The steps for preparation can also be mentioned.
  • Charts for maintaining the nutritive information of different food stuffs.
  • Creation of a meal plan for the kitchen by the dietician in the system for breakfast, lunch and dinner for any given period of time as per the requirements of patients.
  • Generates an order for the kitchen providing a list of items to be prepared for each day, based on the requirements of the patient


  • Scheduling the cleaning of various areas of a hospital.
  • Appointing staff for specific housekeeping activities.
  • Control Supervisors and Housekeeping staff’s Job activities.
  • Integrated with the stores department of linen used by the In-Patient departments.
  • Maintaing the count of incoming and outgoing laundry items.
  • Scheduling maintenance activities of cleaning equipments.
  • Qulaity indicators provided for cleaniness.
  • Real time updates of cleaning orders from various departments.


  • Categorisation of waste into different types.
  • Keeps track of the generation of Waste. Schedules and identifies the collection of Waste.
  • Tracks and records the transportation of waste.
  • Acknowledgement of the state disposal of waste.
  • Radioactive waste disposal management.
  • Color codes for different types of waste.
  • Scheduling of the timely disposal managements.
  • Operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facility


  • Statistic of Total hours that the nurse has spent with the patient, with procedures have been made containing the nursing and medical diagnosis of the Pateint.
  • Infection Control Nursing.
  • Ability to access user defined patient data from patient administration data items.
  • Ability to recive automatic notification of certain specific hospital defined organisms growing from culture.
  • Facilities to access patient all clinical data.
  • As per NABH Guideliness,more than 25 + reports have been designed.
  • Abiility to control Clinical.


  • Maintenance of employee bio-data : name, address, age, sex, qualifications (academic and professional), license registration numbers if applicable, experience, post held, employment history.
  • Leave management.
  • Duty roster.
  • Overtime management.
  • Salary, PF, TDS, loans management.
  • Pay slip generation through intranet portal.
  • Bonus and incentive management.
  • Outsource employee management.
  • Experience Letters.
  • Employee Portal.


  • Interfacing with Tally ERP.
  • Access to complete vendor, invoice information.
  • Material supply information from different vendors.
  • On – line access to purchasing and receiving information during invoice processing.
  • Vendors information.
  • Monitoring Invoice and Transaction.
  • Purchase order information.
  • Goods received note.
  • Rejections.
  • Payment Schedules.
  • Credit note etc.
  • Track Profit & Loss Account..


  • Asset Management.
  • Maintenance Management.
  • Safety Compliance.
  • Solution Bank.
  • Dashboard & Report.
  • Contract & Compliance.
  • SLA for Incidents.
  • Progressive Self-Diagnosis.
  • Easily access work order history for any assets.
  • Schedule recurring maintenance tasks and receive alerts about upcoming work orders.


  • Pre Anaesthesia Checkups Management .
  • Post Anaesthesia Checkups Management.
  • Anaesthesia Chart Management.
  • Anaesthesia Notes Management.
  • Surgical IN and OUT Management.
  • Aldrete Scores Management.


  • Maintains s schedule for the Physiotherapy Sessions.
  • Track the pattern of improvement of the patients.
  • Provides a schedule of exercises to be performed a home.
  • Manages the referrals by a surgeon for post operative rehabilitation.


  • Statistics on IP, OP, Emergency patients. Monitor Occupancy Ratios.
  • Performance Analysis of various departments in the hospital.
  • Statistics of Surgery, Discharges, Birth and Death.
  • Generate reports on Employee and Doctor performance.
  • Monitor Income generated.